Monday, September 21, 2009

Take Me AFAR, Far Far Away...

I've had travel on the brain lately and I can't get that little voice in my head that says, 'just jump on a plane. go. get out of here!' to quiet down! Unemployment seems to be working out just dandy for my friends who've been laid-off and are reveling in new found freedom and booking trips left and right- What? Hello, where are your hidden 'travel reserves'? Can I travel too? Even though I just got back from a weekend in Kona (for work), it'll be a long long time til I'm able to take another big trip.

So for now, I'll just indulge in AFAR. Actually, it's more than indulging, I've fallen head over heels for this new mag that values expriential travel- i.e. the anti-thesis of Travel & Leisure and their $1,000 a night hotel recommendations (though I do have a subscription to them, what a hypocrite). I'm loving their 2nd issue featuring Morocco and a way-inspiring article about a business owner who ditched his house for life on the road. Ah, telecommuting.

After skimming the mag in Borders (I've already signed up for a subscription), I went home and read the story of how the mag came about. Basically, two entrepreneurs with an idea that there's a whole bunch of people out there that don't fit into the 'Conde Nast' style of travel- people looking for less expensive, more meaningful travel experiences. It's a pretty interesting concept you can read more about here... Can't wait for the next issue!

If you're still not convinced that you should get out of your chair, run out of your cubicle and fling the doors of your office open never to return, I introduce you to The Wanderlusters. A newlywed couple from Houston, as the economy started to weaken the end of last year, the jumped at the opportunity to leave their day jobs (I know!), bought an old camper and have been traveling ever since. They're spending the year on 'a spiritual quest, a re-prioritization of life priorities, and really digging into what it looks like to invest in a marriage'. Inspiring, right? I'm pretty darn certain I just passed to travel bug on to you too. Good luck getting rid of it.

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