Monday, September 28, 2009

Why Old, New, Borrowed and Blue?

When it comes to weddings whether traditional or not, most of us are suspicious enough to adhere to the well known saying 'somethings old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. It is a less known fact that this rhyme also goes on to say 'and a silver sixpence in your shoe'! This rhyme dates back to Victorian times and each line has a meaning as follows:

Something old - The reason for something old is that by incorporating something old, the bride is said to be representing a link with her family and her old life. There are many ways in which to incorporate something old, the most popular being an item of jewelery but sometimes even a wedding dress that was worn previously by a member of the bride's family!

Something new - By wearing something new, it is said that the bride will enjoy good fortune and success in her new life. This is probably the easiest tradition to follow as more often than not, the bride has a new dress (and new underwear of course!) for her wedding day.

Something borrowed - The tradition of having something borrowed actually requires the bride to choose something that has already been worn by a happy bride at her wedding. Jewelery is popular again as well as items such as handkerchiefs or hair decoration.

Something blue - This tradition dates back to biblical days when blue was considered to represent purity and fidelity. Often the bride will wear a garter trimmed in blue or a hidden blue band around her leg.

So why the silver sixpence? A silver sixpence placed into a brides left shoes is said to bring a bride wealth, joy and happiness throughout her married life.

Happy hunting for those all important items!

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